Thursday, November 10, 2011

Reverse Phone Detective Services: Helping People or Making Peoples' Life Miserable?

Are reverse phone detective services doing good to the society? My colleague Fred was cursing reverse phone detective services the other day. He has his reasons to do so. He was dating with a girl of another department for past six months, each and everyday after office. Recently, his wife caught him, and he is on fire since then. He suspects his wife could do it with the help of a cell lookup.

Like Fred many people are not happy with the service like a phone detective. However, much more people are glad that service like the reverse detective is accessible to them. They are happily making most out of the service to their advantage.

However, the question is, is phone detective services causing good to our society or making people's life more measurable? What a phone number looks up does? Well, they can find a phone number by name, find a cell phone number or find a person for you if you tell them at least one of the identity particulars like, name, phone/cell number, address even email.

So anyone can trace name, address and a bunch of personal information just by a phone/cell number. It is easy for a husband or wife to access each other's cell phone call list. It is easy for a parent to access his youngster cell phone list! The result is destruction of individual privacy. The phone number lookup is the culprit tool that destroys one's privacy. It can't be good!

However, if you look at the service of a reverse phone detective positively, you will understand that reverse phone lookup is preventing the bad elements of the society to take its place. What it exposing and preventing is "cheating". It is making tougher to cheat spouse, parents of other relatives. Now, you cannot do without leaving a trace what you shouldn't do with your relatives.

Yes, you can have an affair. Yes, you can date, but you cannot expect to carry on without the knowledge of your spouse. You cannot cheat. You want to date, go on and deal it with your spouse. So, a reverse phone detective making a "cheating" act tougher. A person may stop doing what he shouldn't do in the fear of the exposure of his act to others. That is one short of 'wrong doing' from the society.

We may not call reverse phone detective services the conscience of the society, but they certainly force to cease the trend of cheating by exposing the cheating acts to others.

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